View the current price movements of companies previously profiled on Premium below.
Company | Date of post | Up / Down | Portfolio / Idea | Notes |
Company 1 | 04/21/2017 | +1% | Portfolio | – |
Company 2 | 04/21/2017 | +2% | Portfolio | – |
Japanese basket (16 companies) | 04/21/2017 | Various | Portfolio | – |
Company 3 | 05/11/2017 | +24% | Portfolio | – |
Company 4 | 06/09/2017 | +3% | Portfolio | – |
Company 5: County First Bank (CUMD) | 06/28/2017 | +87% | Portfolio | Acquired by a larger bank. This write-up is now accessible on the public blog and no longer available for purchase on VIB premium. |
Company 6 | 08/03/2017 | +12% | Portfolio | – |
Company 7 | 10/06/2017 | +5% | Portfolio | – |
Prices changes are not updated in real time. Most recent update: December, 2017.
Share prices adjusted for stock splits where applicable. All prices mentioned exclude (special) dividends and capital returns, which in some cases can be significant. This is purely done to keep things simple and manageable as the list of positions and ideas expands. The purpose of this page is not to provide an accurate picture of the returns for these stocks, but to give readers a very rough idea of how the stocks of companies discussed on Premium performed since they were first mentioned on the site.
This table is provided for informational purposes only and it might contain errors. Our disclaimer applies: click here to read the disclaimer.
Historical results (published before 2017)
These were companies profiled on this blog before Premium was introduced in 2017.
Companies in bold text were in my portfolio at the time of the write-up for that company. I still own a number of them.
Share prices adjusted for stock splits where applicable. All results mentioned exclude (special) dividends and capital returns, which in some cases were significant (i.e. PNE Industries, CMI Ltd, Kleemann Hellas). This is purely done to keep things simple. The purpose of this page is not to provide an accurate picture of the returns of my personal portfolio, but to give readers a very rough idea of how the stocks of companies discussed on performed since they were mentioned on the site.
For the same reasons I have not included a benchmark in the spreadsheet. My portfolio up until this point has always consisted of more positions than I have publicly disclosed on the blog. Also, I wouldn’t know which benchmark to pick. The companies mentioned on this site are an international collection of often very small and illiquid stocks.